Fulfill God’s Purpose

Fulfill God's Purposes


2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Mark 6:1-13

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10

Psalm 48


2 Corinthians 12:2-10:

In 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Paul teaches the importance of remaining humble while walking in purpose. Paul mentions that even though God had brought him far in his spiritual journey God had still left him with a weakness. God left this weakness to always be a reminder of where his strength truly lies. On this walk you’re expected to grow and to be better than before, but it is very easy to become overly confident in yourself and forget who is in charge. That spirit of over-confidence plants a seed for pride to flourish. The book of Proverbs states, “pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18).” It’s crucial to take a moment and perform a “self-check” along the walk with Christ to continuously remind yourself that it is not of YOUR might. It is by His grace that you have been chosen to do what you do and it is the Holy Spirit that enables you to do so.

Mark 6:1-13

In Mark 6:1-13 we understand that Jesus experienced rejection in the city he grew up in, the place he least expected such a response. This is to teach us that as we walk towards purpose, we should also expect rejection. Not just rejection from strangers but especially from acquaintances, loved ones and your own family. It’s a part of life, especially when you are doing what God has called you to do. When you are getting closer to fulfilling God’s purpose the devil loves to plant the seed of discouragement through the words and actions of others especially those we love.

When Jesus sent out the twelve (v.7-9) he specifically instructed them not to take any daily necessities along with them, not even money. This reminds us to trust God completely along the journey of purpose. We should not depend on what we see or have because it all means nothing if God is not with you. Where God has sent you he has also provided a way and provision. We are expected to be just as trustworthy and obedient to the instructions of God as these 12 disciples were.

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10

Psalm 48

Twenty two years passed between the time David was anointed by Samuel until he became King of Judah and then the great King of Israel. Twenty two years where God chose that time to mold him and grow him into the man of God (God patiently and intricately used that time to work through David in fulfilling His purpose). Twenty two years to fulfil God’s promise to use David’s throne as the path to bring forth His purpose and ultimate sacrifice to this world, Jesus. David ultimately ruled as king for forty years and in those years, God blessed David’s household and all his land because David sought to do God’s work and bring honor, worship and glory of God to his land (2 Samuel 6). In those years, David rejoiced in the Lord and he was blessed. David grew as a King, doing God’s will and with that God was with him (2 Samuel 5: 9-10).

In Psalm 48, we honor the sovereignty of God. This is made very clear in David’s history. God in His infinite and supreme wisdom, chose David and his descendants to rule over all of Israel. Kingdoms and kings were built before the time of David, but when it became the city of God/the city of the great King, it became a greater kingdom. David understood God’s sovereignty and fortified the kingdom with the faith of God and made it greater.

Let us be reminded that God has dominion over this earth and over our lives. Let us leave it all in His hands and seek only His glory. With this path, we will be blessed in greatness and our descendants will be blessed richly.