Come in the Name of the Lord
In 1 Samuel 17, the Israelites were assembling for attack against the philistines when the leader of the philistine’s army, Goliath, presented himself. Instantly his physical appearance and the words of his mouth mounted fear into the hearts and minds of the Israelites. At the same time David, often overlooked and deemed unqualified, brought food to the battle ground for his brothers and captain of the army. As David heard what Goliath had said he was fueled with courage and strength to overcome the enemy. Though no one believed in David, he was confident in what he had learned while performing the activities many considered irrelevant (tending the sheep). David was filled with confidence in the God he served, and he knew that anyone who stood or spoke against God, would surely fall. He trusted that the Lord would fill him with the power to overcome the enemy because he didn’t walk in the flesh but in the name of the Lord.
Psalms 9:9-20 reminds us that the Lord fights our battles and does not forget his children in the time of need. “The Lord is a refuge to those who know his name and put their trust in him” (v.10). There is no nation, person, or problem that won’t bow down to the name of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 teaches that claiming the name of the Lord and walking in that name requires sacrifice. We must let go of the flesh and choose to walk in the spirit. We may experience tribulation, distress, much labor, imprisonment (mentally/physically), sleeplessness, deceit, and sorrow, at times, but always remember God is with us through it all. Even if we don’t receive the reward while on Earth, we must trust that we will surely receive it in heaven. Though walking in the name of the Lord comes with a price, God is our support!
In conclusion, Mark 4:35-41 emphasizes that everything living and non-living bows down to the name of the Lord. Even the wind and sea obey him (v.39). Those in the boat with Jesus were scared; they saw what was in front of them and forgot who was with them. If we allow our faith to overpower our fears, we will allow the power, attached to the name of the Lord, to be displayed. He is always with us, just as he was with those in the boat in the midst of turmoil. If we truly believe He is with us and lives in us, there is no reason for us to fear.
If we call on the name of the Lord in our time of need or against any mountain before us, he will surely answer in due season!