Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalms 29
Romans 8:12-17
John 3:1-17
Isaiah 6:1-8 reminds us that God is Holy, Holy, Holy and worthy of all the glory. Psalm 29 emphasizes that He is mighty, full of power, and our king forever. He is owed all the glory, praise and worship not because of what He has done but simply because of who He is. To be in His presence and fully experience Him, you must be holy in mind, body & spirit. Being holy is not just an act; it’s a sense of being, it’s in your thoughts, your desires, and in your words. Isaiah’s response to God’s presence was repentance and humility, as we also ought to be. Reverence the Lord as you would your earthly parents. Don’t reverence Him out of fear but out of love, for God is love.
Verse 7 of Isaiah 6 teaches that before you can be used by God you must be cleansed of iniquity and sin. Unfortunately, we are sinners and before the coming of Jesus, we were in bondage to the law and flesh. Thankfully because of the ultimate sacrifice, we’ve been adopted by our Father in Heaven, as Romans 8:15 reminds us. This adoption has broken the hold of the flesh and granted us freedom from the law because Jesus brought us grace and truth. But before you can truly receive this freedom, you must receive the holy spirit.
You are not a child of God if you are without the spirit of God. It is by the spirit that we are able to walk in spirit. You cannot overcome the flesh on your own and you cannot do the things of the spirit on your own. John 3:1-17 emphasizes the requirement of the holy spirit. Jesus spoke on the rebirthing by the holy spirit; rebirthing must happen to be renewed and considered a child of God. It is an honor for the holy spirit of God to dwell in you, as verse 8 states. The holy spirit of God goes where it wishes, so if it chooses to dwell in you, understand the honor in that. View your body as a temple of God, allow it to be a place that His holy spirit is well pleased to reside in. Consider the spirit of God that lives in you before every decision, because when you sin, you are working against the One that is in you: your helper.
As children of God, we should be continuously growing spiritually, choosing to continuously live according to the flesh works against that. Life with Christ requires continuous “dying to self.” Daily, you must pick up your cross and choose Jesus. Every second you must choose the things of the spirit and run away from things of the flesh. It is not always easy, but it is doable, “The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).” God knows how easy it is to fall into the ways of the flesh, but He has granted you and I a helper, the Holy Spirit. Psalm 29:11 tells us that, “The Lord gives strength to His people.” Therefore, with the holy spirit of God, you have been granted the power to overcome any desire of the flesh. It’s not by your might, nor by your power but simply the spirit of God!
In Isaiah 6, Isaiah was being called to the ministry of prophecy and gratefully, he accepted. Please understand that the call of God is voluntary, never forced. God gives a choice in regards to the “call,” he WANTS you but doesn’t NEED you. Therefore, humble yourself and take the call seriously; if it’s not you, it will be someone else. I pray that the will of God is done in the lives of each and every single one of us. May we not miss out on the call God has placed on our lives (Amen, IJN). When we come before our Father in heaven, may He be well pleased with our lives on Earth and may His will be fulfilled (Amen, IJN). May we all be filled with the holy spirit and live a purposeful life (Amen, IJN)!