Brief History

CCC Ileri Oluwa Parish (CCCIOP) is a scripture-based, evangelistic, spirit-empowered church founded in 1988 as a parish under the umbrella of Celestial Church of Christ, an African instituted church founded by Rev. Samuel Biléhou Joseph Oshoffa on September 29, 1947 in Porto-Novo, Benin through a divine order. The Church is well known with Parishes and Dioceses all over the world particularly in Benin and Nigeria with its International Headquarters in Nigeria.

The name of the Church, ‘Eglise du Christianisme Celeste’ in French, ‘Celestial Church of Christ’ in English, and ‘Ijo Mimo ti Kristi lati orun wa’ in Yoruba was revealed by the Holy Spirit through a Late Pa Alexander Yanga who was one of the early followers of Rev. Samuel Biléhou Joseph Oshoffa healed by him through the power of the Holy Spirit. Alexander Yanga was in a trance for seven consecutive days, at the end of the seventh day, he reportedly saw the name of the church boldly written on the rainbow. He accordingly asked for a piece of chalk and, looking at the rainbow, wrote the name of the church as shown to him, Eglise du Christianisme Céleste, which means “Celestial Church of Christ.” After this divine revelation proclaimed the name of Oshoffa’s religious movement, his followers soon began to identify themselves as Celestians.

Pastor Founder

At CCCIOP, we’re all about people! We’re all about people because God is all about people. One of the ways we express our love for Him is through our love for people, and we do that by building an authentic community of believers where individuals encounter God and experience positive transformation through worship, bible study, evangelism, and being a voice of hope.

Want to get started?  We’d love for you to join us for a service, and we’re here to help you get connected.

our doctrine

What We Believe

Although some Christians view doctrines as irrelevant and says it to be the cause division among Christians. While this might true that doctrine does cause division, if this division is due to disagreements over an important biblical teaching, divine revelations and instructions of the Holy Spirit, then division is not necessarily a bad thing. Christianity as a faith, is based on doctrine.

Celestial Church of Christ was founded under the absolute dictate of the Holy spirit, and thus operate under essential and non-negotiable Tenents & Doctrines. If any of these are removed from our beliefs and practice, then our faith becomes empty and void. Also should any of these causes division to the point that someone feels they can’t adhere to them, then they should probably find another denomination to fellowship in.

It is hereby emphasised for note that:

The name of the Church, The tenets and mode of worship of the Church, and The service hymns of the Church, which formed the doctrine of the church were all revealed through the Holy Spirit as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ (see John 14:25,26) thus: “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”.

Every doctrine carries some importance, and there are dedicated Christ loving believers in other denominations, and we believe you should not divide over non-essential issues.

the creed


I believe in God, the Father Almighty, And in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead and buried, He descended into hell, The third day He rose again from the dead, He ascended into heaven, And seated on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead, I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Celestial Church of Christ, The communion of saints, The forgiveness of sins The resurrection of the body, And life everlasting


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138 Waverly Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205, USA


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